Fantasy Football Draft Pitfalls: Four Mortal Sins to Avoid in 2024
With the most important day of the year approaching (read: Draft Day), it's time to talk about the most offensive transgressions committed by fantasy football players.
If you want to leave your draft looking like a true victor, you need to avoid committing the following Mortal Sins of Drafting.
Sin Type #1: Wasting Time
Showing Up Late
You think you can stroll in late while everyone else waits around for the draft to begin? You agreed to the draft date/time months ago, remember?
Somehow everyone else made it on time (with the correct drafting app downloaded to their phone, too!).
Babysitters have been acquired. The food is hot. That one guy is already three beers deep. And yea, people are f*cking excited to get started! Do don’t ruin this for everyone.
Your draft demands respect. Your league demands respect. The least you can do is show up on time.
Clock Killers
This isn't your grandpa's fantasy draft. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t make your pick in time.
We don't have to dig through stickers to find a player's name anymore. Technology is your friend. You can literally draft with the click of a button.
There's no excuse for running out of clock. None.
You can even draft from the toilet.
Sin Type #2: Showing Up Unprepared
Over The Shoulder BS
Didn’t bring any notes to the draft? Awww.
There are plenty of analysts and rankings out there for you to utilize. Hell, your draft software has rankings built right in. If you want something other than your app's ADP, you're a big boy — bring it.
No one wants you looking over their shoulder during the draft. I didn't listen to hours of podcasts for someone to show up empty-handed and get a sneak peek at the players I've highlighted as sleepers. (Rashid Shaheed is mine!)
Plus, everyone knows losers say, “Can I borrow your cheat sheet?" right before they draft their losing team. It's science.
Scoring Snafus
What do you mean you don’t know your league's scoring rules??
Draft rankings can change dramatically when scoring is altered. SuperFlex settings alone can be the difference between elite QBs going off the board in Round 1 vs Round 6.
You need to spend a few minutes checking your league's settings before the draft. Seriously, just take a peek.
Don't get caught with your pants down.
Sin Type #3: Post-Pick Panic Mode
Re-Do Requests
"Wait! I didn't mean to pick him. I forgot he's on a new team this year."
We’ve all heard the excuses. You forgot some pivotal detail and now you want to re-do your pick.
Nope. Nuh-uh.
Absolutely no mulligans.
Sulking Between Picks
Look, if you're going to regret your draft picks, bottle up those feelings and let it fester like the rest of us do.
No one wants to hear you pouting over the injury-prone RB that you chose to add to your team.
Make your picks and move on.
Sin Type #4: Being a Lousy Leaguemate
Post-Draft Quitting
I can't believe I have to say this, but don't leave a league after you've already drafted.
You don't like the way your team looks? So what. How do you think Bill Belichick felt after Tom Brady and Gronk left New England? You can't drop out just because things didn't go your way.
I’ve seen it happen before. A guy in my home league quit two weeks after drafting back in 2021. His replacement? Well… he took over the “lousy” team and ended up winning the damn thing.
No post-draft quitting. You always have to see it through.
Delayed Payments
No pay, no play.
Sometimes it's really just that simple.
Don't make the commissioner have to chase you down. And please don't make the winner have to settle for less than the full payout.
Pay your league dues before draft day. It’s not worth leaving your friends in a bind. And trust me, your commissioner will thank you for it.