Fantasy Life's Utilization Report

The Utilization Report is the preeminent source for player utilization data for fantasy football and betting purposes. It tracks basically everything you need to know about how a player is being used on a weekly basis. This data allows you to make more informed decisions in your fantasy football leagues and in the player prop market.
At the heart of the Utilization Report is the Game Log. It tracks each player at the four main fantasy positions – quarterback, running back, wide receiver, and tight end – and highlights their performance across a variety of categories. It does so on a weekly basis, so you can see how a player’s role might be adjusting throughout the course of the year.
Let’s dive into everything you need to know to get the most out of the Game Log.
Raw vs. Percentage - Raw numbers versus the percentage of that team plays
Snaps - Number of snaps played by a player.
DB - Number of dropbacks by the player. A dropback is defined as a designed pass play (i.e., attempts, sacks, and scrambles).
Pass Plays - Pass Attempts. Excludes: Sacks, spikes, and scrambles.
ADOT - Average depth of target. How far the ball travels on average for a QB’s pass attempts.
COMP % - Completion percentage. Completions divided by pass attempts.
YPA - Yards per attempt. Passing yards divided by attempts.
DES RUSH ATT - Designed Rush Attempt. These are different than scrambles. Designed rushing attempts are plays where the QB is the intended primary ball carrier to start the play.
SCRAMB - A dropback that turns into a run play for the QB. This is separate from designed run plays.
Sacks - Number or percentage of plays that resulted in a sack.
I5 ATT - Rush attempt inside the five-yard line.
PPR MIN - Lowest fantasy point total for the player that year in PPR scoring.
PPR AVG - Average fantasy point total for the player that year in PPR scoring.
PPR Max – Highest fantasy point total for the player that year in PPR scoring.
PPR Rank - Positional rank in PPR scoring.
RUSH ATT - Number or share of designed rushing attempts. Scrambles don’t count towards designed rushing attempt shares.
Routes - Number of routes a player has run. Route participation divides routes run by team dropbacks.
Targets - Number or share of targets.
TPRR - Targets per route run, sometimes called target rate, is a metric that evaluates efficiency. Instead of looking at the total number of targets that a player earns, it highlights how often each player is targeted when running a route.
SDD Snaps - Short down and distance are any plays with two or fewer yards to go on second, third, or fourth down.
LDD Snaps - Long down and distance are any plays on third or fourth down with three or more yards to go.
2 MIN SNAPS - Snaps when an offensive player is in the two-minute (hurry up offense). These snaps are based on the pace of play and are not defined exclusively by the time left on the clock.
Utilization Score - The Utilization Score represents the strength of a player's role and performance relative to their peers. It is a weighted calculation incorporating the most predictive data points associated with scoring future points at the RB, WR, and TE positions since 2020. For more on the Utilization Score, read here.
Catchable Targets - Targets deemed as catchable. Note: An inverse relationship exists between aDOT and catch rate. Higher aDOT players typically have lower catchable target rates and vice versa. Dividing receptions by catchable targets provides a player’s true catch rate.
Air Yards - Air yards track how far the ball travels past the line of scrimmage on a player’s targets. Dividing air yards by targets provides us with aDOT.
EZ Targets - Number or share of end zone targets.
3/4 Down TGTS - Number or share of third and fourth down targets.
PA Targets - Percentage of a player’s targets off of play action attempts. Play action targets are worth ~20% more than non-play action targets in PPR formats.
Utilization Score - The Utilization Score represents the strength of a player's role and performance relative to their peers. It is a weighted calculation incorporating the most predictive data points associated with scoring future points at the RB, WR, and TE positions since 2020. For more on the Utilization Score, read here.