Video Games? Poker? Setting the Fantasy Football Draft Order
Deciding draft order is the most fun a league can have without taking their clothes off.
But before we get to the nitty gritty of HOW to specifically pick your draft order, your league needs to make a couple of key decisions:
- Draft Pick Allocation Styles
- League Participation Level
Draft Pick Allocation Styles
There are two opposing styles of allocating draft picks that you'll need to decide between.
Neither is the "right" way. There are pros and cons to each style. One style values early draft slots, while the other allows managers to decide how they value each draft slot.
Let's break them both down.
Descending Order
Managers are assigned draft spots in descending order from first to last. (1.01, 1.02, 1.03…)
This draft pick allocation style inherently values the 1.01 as the most coveted spot in the draft. Regardless of how you specifically determine your draft order, this style dictates that draft spots will be assigned to managers in descending order, starting from first to last.
For example, if your league completed a beer-chugging contest, the fastest chugger would receive the first pick (1.01). The slowest chugger would receive the last pick (1.12).
Note: With this style, individuals can strategically ‘sabotage' their draft order competition in an attempt to receive a later pick in the draft. Don't want the 1.01? Chug slowly.
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Personal Order
Managers pick their preferred draft slots.
This draft pick allocation style does not inherently value any particular draft pick. Instead, the managers themselves determine the values of each draft slot, based upon where in the draft they want to be situated.
Instead of assigning picks 1.01-1.12, each specific manager picks their first-round draft slot from the spots available. The order that they pick, then, is what you have to determine.
For example, if your league completed a beer-chugging contest, the fastest chugger would be allowed to pick any slot from the available 12 draft picks. Inversely, the slowest chugger would receive the last remaining draft pick after the other 11 managers had chosen their draft slots.
League Participation Level
Now it's time to determine how much participation your draft-order decision will require from your league. Does everyone want to spend their weekend completing physical activities or would they prefer you just randomize the draft order?
LEVEL 1: Randomization
Randomized league orders require zero effort, but can still be entertaining. While it might be easiest to just allow your drafting software the power to randomize your order, there are more personalized options available.
But the benefit here is that your leaguemates don't have to do jack sh*t.
- Draw Names: Drawing names out of a hat? Really? Live a little. BUT, if you’re going to pull names, at least make it look good.
- Spin The Wheel: Who doesn't love a little automation? No strips of paper or hats required. Just click 'spin' and watch the results roll in.
- 100-Yard Rush: Here's something to root for! Instead of an instant randomization result, you can sweat it out as you watch your runners compete. Note: Screaming at your screen won't help you to win a better draft pick, but it does feel good.
- Third-Party Decision: Someone with no connection to the league decides the draft order. (No, your mom can't decide.) How about paying for a Cameo decision? Imagine Mr. Feeny, Kevin from The Office, or even Le'Veon Bell announcing your league's draft order!
LEVEL 2: Some Effort Required
For these, your league will have to find the energy to give you a teensy-weensy, witty-bitty amount of effort. You're not asking for much.
- Preseason Performances: Each league member picks an NFL team/NFL player of their choice prior to the start of the preseason (or a specific weekend). Based upon your league's stat of choice (team yards, player yards, etc. ) the resulting preseason performances determine your draft order.
- Breaking the Seal (h/t Ryan Kennedy): The league must get together for an afternoon of drinking (yay!). The league has to see who can hold their pee the longest (oh). The longer you hold it, the better your draft pick.
- Pizza Party: Before the draft kicks off, everyone shows up early … and hungry. At the same time, everyone individually orders a pizza from the establishment of their choice to be delivered to the draft house. The draft order is determined by the order of the pizzas as they start arriving. (alternative: any fast food delivery)
- March Madness Brackets: This is just what you'd expect. Everyone makes a March Madness Bracket and the best results determine the draft order. (Don't worry, if you missed out on your chance this year, you can choose any other major sporting event as your qualifier.)
- Reverse Order of Previous Year's Standings: While this doesn't take any offseason effort, you do have to play in the same league for multiple years for this option to come to fruition. Each manager's draft order is determined by the reverse order of their previous year's placement. Finished last? Hey, you get 1.01 next year!
LEVEL 3: Total Commitment to the Bit League
While this isn't an exhaustive list, it might inspire you to come up with your own personalized draft order ideas. Remember: ANYTHING can be a competition.
- The Wonderlic Test: 12 minutes is all you need (and it's all you're going to get). Each manager tries to beat the Wonderlic. Scores determine draft order.
- YO! Pick Up!!: Each manager picks one person to call from their contacts. The clock runs until the phone is answered on the other line. Quickest time to answer determines draft order. If no one answers, managers are not allowed to try a different number until they reach the original caller's voicemail. Choose wisely!
- Mario Kart: Any video game will do, but who can pass up the nostalgia of tossing bananas and turtle shells? Pick your driver and duke it out in a Mario Kart tournament for your draft picks.
- Need for Speed: Maybe we should get in a few extra steps before we become sedentary couch potatoes for the next few months. Determine your race (100m, 400m, mile?!). Fastest times determine order. Don't forget to stretch!
- Poker Tournament: Who's going to turn down an excuse to get the league together for a night of cards? "I HAVE to play poker tonight, babe. It's going to determine our draft order." First man out gets the last pick. (Other tournament ideas: pickleball, beer pong, flip cup.)
- Chug! Chug! Chug!: Time to brush up on your gulping skills. Fastest chug time determines the draft order, so get your stopwatches ready. Bottoms up!
- The Ticket Master: Everyone gets a predetermined amount of money ($20?) to play games at your local arcade. But spend wisely, because the more tickets you have at the end, the better your draft pick!
- Top Golf - Time to brush up on your swing. The league's going to have a night out at Top Golf. Your finishing score will determine your order. Angry Birds, anyone?