Each week, I will be breaking down all the pain and punishment that transpires in our very own BWW Punishment Eliminator League.
18 will enter, but 17 will leave with their tails between their legs as they are forced to face a season-ending punishment.
BWW Punishment Eliminator League
With Week 3 comes the conclusion of Week 2. The punishment gods have spoken! Today we’ll have a full recap of:
- Why I’m calling HR
- The carnage: Week 2 Results
- Week 2’s Proof of Punishment (PP)
- On to Week 3: “Binge It”
Well, where do we start? I’m slowly starting to realize with each passing week that the odds of me being eliminated are steadily increasing.
Each week, there’s one less body to take hits for me. After narrowly avoiding elimination last week, I can feel the reaper’s sweet, hot breath inching closer to the back of my neck.
If you’re new here, be sure to read a full breakdown of our 18-team best ball elimination league and last week’s recap.
But the rules are fairly simple: SURVIVE or face the consequences (read: the Punishment Generator).
I’m calling HR
Look, I know everyone experiences inter-office problems. But I’m starting to feel like all of us here at Fantasy Life were manipulated into thinking we even stood a chance.
I mean, think about this for a second. A punishment-based league filled with top industry-wide ranked analysts, a director of analytics, AND The Talented Mr. Roto? Are you kidding me?
So is it really any surprise to see these guys at the top of the leaderboard this week??
I feel like I’ve been bamboozled. This feels rigged and I’ve officially got HR on speed dial. Whatever… I’ll just have to take these guys down from the inside.
Let's get into the final results from Week 2.
Week 2 Results
It’s official. I’m calling dibs on being the Fantasy Life ‘Underdog’, because acronyms, numbers and stats scare me. So I welcome you to root for me with me from here on out.
And I have some good news. We’re up from last week, baby!
Here are our Week 2 results with some added context to highlight our weekly risers and fallers. Let’s hope the trend continues.
But even when you’re up, it’s all about avoiding the bottom of the leaderboards here in our BWW Punishment League.
If you ain’t last, you’re first, kid. You’re safe.
16 of us dodged elimination this week. And because of that, we’re exempt from a spicy punishment. But someone does have to pay the price.
They always pay.
Out of Sync
ALEXA, play NSYNC! Because you may hate me, but the eliminator ain’t no lie, baby. Bye bye bye.
I’m sorry Freedman, but as a third-party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter: better you than me!
Should Freedman have drafted a QB earlier? Maybe. But there’s no time for regrets here. The eliminator comes for us all…
Proof of Punishment (PP)
It’s finally time for what you’ve all been waiting for. The big PP reveal.
The Punishment Generator results were rolled out prior to Week 2 and revealed that the loser would have to text a loved one with “BIG NEWS!!!” and immediately ghost them for an hour.
For those of you who are older and less hip than me, “ghosting” is kind of like what Darren Waller did in Week 3. You know, when you just completely disappear.
But we’re not here to roast the Giants. We’re here to watch Freedman get roasted. Here’s his punishment of the week:
Oof. Maybe he should’ve started with: “Big news, babe. I’m eliminated.”
In all seriousness, we’re sorry to see him go. But we march on!
Nitty Gritty Breakdown:
- Teams remaining: 16
- Teams eliminated: Marcas & Freedman
- Punishment on Deck: Binge It
With Freedman’s departure, we’re on to a new beginning. A new week. A fresh start. And unfortunately… another few days of sweating it out while we await the results.
On to Week 3
One down. 15 eliminations to go.
How punishments are decided:
- Generate a random punishment with our Punishment Generator
- Announce the punishment to the league prior to kickoff
- Boot the loser from the league once the games have concluded
- Collect Proof of Punishment (PP)
- Expose everything on FantasyLife.com
We won’t know who has to pay the price until the games conclude on Monday night.
But we do know that someone is going to have to get their little thumbs ready for some live-reaction tweeting, because the Punishment Generator has spoken. Drumroll, please…
That’s right, the team with the lowest score from Week 3 will have to binge watch some show or movie and share their experience live from start to finish. Get your popcorn ready.
But as an added bonus, the Highest Scorer of the week will choose the loser’s cinematic experience.
And the group chat is already bubbling with awesome ideas:
Stay tuned for an update next week after the loser submits their Proof of Punishment (PP), and we kick them from the league.
If this sounds like a fun league to you sickos, you don't have to feel left out. You can make your own punishment eliminator league!
Don't be shy, it's easy to create some fun (maybe not so fun for the loser) punishments. Whether it’s an end-of-season last-place punishment or a weekly side bet, we’ve got you covered. Just input your settings, generate, and let fate decide!
You can check out Fantasy Life's Punishment Generator for FREE here!