Each week, Cooterdoodle will be breaking down all the pain and punishment that transpires in our very own BWW Punishment Eliminator League.

18 will enter, but 17 will leave with their tails between their legs as they are forced to face a season-ending punishment.

BWW Punishment Eliminator League

We’re moving on to Week 6, but wait! The punishment gods have spoken! Today we’ll have a full recap of:

  • The Writing on the Wall
  • The Carnage: Week 5 Results
  • Week 5’s Proof of Punishment (PP)
  • On to Week 6: Hope You Have Good Friends

If you’re new here, be sure to read a full breakdown of our 18-team best ball elimination league and last week’s recap.

But the rules are fairly simple: SURVIVE or face the consequences (read: the Punishment Generator).

The Writing on the Wall

You know when your children are quiet…too quiet. And then you suddenly realize the markers are missing?

The frozen horror that one feels when walking into a room with freshly scribbled walls is a good analogy for how it feels to look at your best ball rosters after Week 5.

Injuries always happen, but this week felt different because of the frequency, severity, and the trajectory of the players involved. And because this is best ball, there’s literally nothing you can do but stand back and watch.

No waivers. No trades. Only pain.

Oh, and please don’t forget that this started off as an 18-team league, so benches are thin.

Is the writing already on the wall for some of these teams?

Will LaMarca be able to stay afloat without Justin Jefferson? Jake Trowbridge finally got back his little Cooper Kupp, but now De’Von Achane is on IR. And as for the team with Anthony Richardson…we’ll talk about Waz in just a bit.

I just want all the players to have fun, but I suppose it’s time to get into the results.

Week 5 Results

This week’s results were flipped on their heads, and this time I’m not talking in metaphors.

In Week 4, Robert Waziak flexed his prowess as he sat atop of the rankings. He truly demolished us. He CRUSHED Mr. Roto and the Fantasy Life analysts like it was nothin’. But that was Week 4.

This week…well, how the mighty have fallen and how the tables have turned!
Week 5 Results

Ohhhh baby. 18 teams have been cut down to 13 (shoutout Taylor Swift).

This is a great reminder that in best ball, anything can happen from week to week. There are no guarantees in the best ball gauntlet. High-scoring weeks don't guarantee anything in the future. Anyone can face elimination, and the odds are never in your favor.

But with each elimination comes fewer bodies to take a bullet for me. So yeah, I guess that you could say I’m a little nervous. But I’m still here, baby!!

For now, 13 of us have avoided elimination. And because of that, we’re exempt from a spicy punishment. But someone does have to pay the price…

They always pay.

It's Always Sunny in Elimidelphia

Alexa: play On Top of Spaghetti all covered in cheese, because Waz lost his “meatball.” Well, if meatballs were teams.

But as a third-party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter: better you than me!

And as we know, the dreaded eliminator is waiting in the (Buffalo Wild) wings to come for us all…

Proof of Punishment (PP)

It’s finally time for what you’ve all been waiting for. The big PP reveal. 

The Punishment Generator results were rolled out prior to Week 5 and revealed that the loser would have to attend a movie at a public theater. But that’s not all…the loser had to bring a Ziploc of spaghetti in tow and ask about the theater’s Spaghetti Policy.

Maybe you’re wondering, “Why spaghetti? Why Ziploc bags? Why a movie theater?” It’s a little bit of this scene inspired by a little bit of this scene.

So without further adieu, here’s an Always Sunny - Fantasy Life - Elimination Punishment for the books!

We’re sorry to see Waz go. But we march on!

Nitty Gritty Breakdown:

  • Teams remaining: 13
  • Teams eliminated: Marcas, Freedman, Jonathan, Ian, & Waz
  • Punishment on Deck: Hope You Have Good Friends

With Waz's elimination, we’re on to a new beginning. And unfortunately, we're faced with another few days of sweating it out while we await the fresh agony of the upcoming Week 6 results.

On to Week 6

As for the survivors: One more down. 12 eliminations to go.

How punishments are decided:

  • Generate a random punishment with our Punishment Generator
  • Announce the punishment to the league prior to kickoff
  • Boot the loser from the league once the games have concluded
  • Collect Proof of Punishment (PP)
  • Expose everything on FantasyLife.com

We won’t know who has to pay the price until all the Week 6 games conclude on Monday night, but we do know that someone is going to have to change their online identity for a substantial amount of time because the Punishment Generator has spoken.

Drumroll, please…

Hope You Have Good Friends

That’s right, the team with the lowest score in Week 6 will have to change their online presence.

For the sake of content creation and the true nature of punishment, we have decided to pivot from a cell phone background to Twitter (or X, if you like change) banners and profile pictures. After all, more eyes = more shame.

The loser will have to change his or her Twitter banner for the remainder of the season, and his or her profile picture will also have to be changed for a week. But I’m not worried, because I won’t lose…And even if I did, it's not like the Fantasy Life team would make me put a photo that I’m vehemently against like an Atlanta Falcons banner or anything. Right? Right?!

Stay tuned for an update next week after the losing team submits their Proof of Punishment (PP), and we kick them from the league.

If this sounds like a fun league format to you sickos, you don't have to feel left out. You can make your own punishment eliminator league!

Don't be shy, it's easy to create some fun (maybe not so fun for the loser) punishments. Whether it’s an end-of-season last-place punishment or a weekly side bet, we’ve got you covered. Just input your settings, generate, and let fate decide!

You can check out Fantasy Life's Punishment Generator for FREE here!

Punishment Eliminator League